600 g different types of meat such as beef, veal, pork fillet or chicken breast, cut into thin
slices (order in advance from the butcher!)
1.5 liters of water
5 tbsp Vegami (buy here)
1 teaspoon salt
1 clove
Basic sauce:
2 fresh egg yolks
2 teaspoons of mild mustard, without grains
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
2 dl rapeseed or sunflower oil
1.5 teaspoons of salt
4 tbsp Greek yogurt or crème fraîche
2 tbsp TOMAMI # 2 (buy here)
1 tbsp Vegami
Garlic sauce:
150 ml basic sauce (see above)
1 clove of garlic, pressed
1 pinch of ground white pepper
Cocktail sauce:
150 ml basic sauce (see above)
1 tbsp TOMAMI # 1 (buy here)
0.5 tbsp cognac
2 teaspoons of mild paprika powder
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
150 ml basic sauce (see above)
1 ripe banana
1 tbsp Greek yogurt
1 tbsp mild curry powder
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 tsp TOMAMI # 1 (buy here)
about 6 dashes of TOMAMI Ginger-Chili Sauce (buy here)
Tuna sauce:
150 ml basic sauce (see above)
200 g (gross weight) of canned tuna soaked in salt water
1.5 tbsp crème fraîche
1 tsp TOMAMI # 2 (buy here)
A little freshly ground black pepper
For the broth bring the water to the boil, season with Vegami and salt and add the clove. Cover, leave to stand and prepare the sauces.
For the basic sauce, mix the egg yolks with the mustard and lemon juice in a bowl by hand using a whisk. Stir in the oil, first drop by drop, then in a thin stream until you get a creamy mayonnaise. Carefully fold in the yoghurt or crème fraîche with a spatula, season the sauce with TOMAMI and Vegami.
For the garlic and cocktail sauce: add the respective ingredients to the base sauce.
For the curry sauce, first puree the banana with the yoghurt in a blender to a creamy purée. Stir the banana puree into the base sauce and mix in the remaining ingredients.
For the tuna sauce, first puree the tuna with the crème fraîche in a blender. Then stir the tuna mousse into the basic sauce and mix in the remaining ingredients.
When all the sauces are ready, skewer the pieces of meat one by one and dip them into the gently bubbling broth for several minutes – depending on the size of the meat. Dip the finished pieces of meat into the sauces and enjoy!
Fondue Chinoise is a classic among the festive dishes. We use a spicy “Vegami” broth and refine our sauces with “TOMAMI”, “Vegami” or – for those who like it spicier – the new
“Ginger-Chili Seasoning Sauce”. Not only do the sauces taste delicious, they are guaranteed to be a success.