






main course




J.-P. Schneider



4 Female Barbarie duck breasts
4 pieces Baby Pak Choi
150 g Shiitake Mushrooms
150 g Spring Onions
150 g Red Onion
180 g Pointed Pepper
1 Clove of Garlic
1 Shallot
2 tablespoons Sesame Oil
2 tablespoons Sesame Seeds, roasted
2 tablespoons Fish Sauce
2 tablespoons Soy Sauce
2 tablespoons Sushi Vinegar
6 tablespoons TOMAMI Japan (buy here) (
20 g Butter
20 g Coriander leaves
Salt, White Pepper
Rapeseed Oil


First prepare the vegetables: Quarter the pak choi; slice the spring onions
and the pointed pepper into rings. Cut the red onion into fine slices and the shallot and the garlic into small cubes. Remove the stalks from the shiitake mushrooms and carve a star pattern into the top with a small knife.
Make equal incisions into the duck breasts on the skin side and season with salt and white pepper. Brown in a little rapeseed oil on the skin side, then turn over. Put the duck breasts into the oven at 160 ° C (hot air oven) until a core temperature of 50 ° C. has been reached. Finally pour over 4 tablespoons Tomami Japan and a little butter and glaze by quickly reducing the breasts and the Tomami, thus creating shine on the
breasts. Turn over once or twice. Leave the meat to rest briefly before it is carved lengthwise.

While the duck breasts are in the oven, cook the mushrooms in a large pan or wok in
rapeseed oil until golden brown and put onto kitchen paper. Then fry the onions in the same pan in rapeseed oil and deglaze with sushi vinegar. Add the pointed pepper and continue frying. Add the shallots and garlic cubes and toss well. Now add the spring onions and the pak choi and continue to fry on a high heat. Add sesame oil, roasted sesame seeds, fish sauce, soy sauce and deglaze with 2 tbsp. Tomami Japan. Toss well and finally add the coriander leaves and shiitake mushrooms and season with salt and white pepper

Arrange the vegetables on a plate with the juice and place the slices of duck breast on top.

Preparation time: 40 minutes
A recipe by Jean-Philipp Schneider, chef and product development manager at the
Old Spice Office in Klingenberg.

– Another recipe –

MASHED POTATOES with Tomami Vegami, Ducca carrots and fried spring onions

mit Vegami

to the recipe