Cut the zucchini into pieces and place in a large saucepan, or put the pulp in a large saucepan. Cook until soft with the vegetable stock for 10–15 minutes with the lid closed, then allow to cool at room temperature. Puree the cooked zucchinis with the liquid in a blender or with a hand blender to make a soup. Pluck the marjoram leaves from the stalks and add together with the yoghurt. (Save some marjoram for decoration.) Puree the soup again well and place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Distribute the cold zucchini soup between the soup bowls and add approx. ½ teaspoon of TOMAMI to each portion; decorate with marjoram before serving.
Use TOMAMI #1 for a mild, sweeter note. To emphasize the acidity of the yoghurt, choose TOMAMI #2.
The soup can be prepared well in advance: it can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days without any problem. A soup for the summer months that can be served as a starter or, if filled into small glasses, could also be served on a finger food buffet.
Time required: approx. 20 minutes and at least 1 hour cooling time
A recipe by Christina Hubbeling